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  3. Covid19 and testing within the company

How To Introduce Home Testing To Your Employees

Now that Covid-19 tests are easily accessible for everyone, you may be wanting to encourage your employees to start taking them, but you are unsure how to. Here are a few top tips when introducing home testing to your workplace.

5 Top Tips When Introducing Home Testing 


  1. Discuss with line managers that you are thinking of introducing lateral flow testing into the workplace and get their thoughts on how each of their departments may feel about it.
  2. Communicate with your employees that you are thinking of introducing lateral flow testing and inform them that there will be a letter coming out to address this in more detail. 
  3. Send out an introduction to home testing letter to all employees.
  4. Ensure confidence with your employees. Individuals may need to be in the workplace more frequently, therefore making home testing mandatory might be something you are considering within your organisation. If you wish to do this, we have prepared a Covid-19 home testing policy to help you clearly explain to your employees about the next steps and how it will be conducted within the workplace.
  5. Be prepared and ensure that you have all the information you need to answer any questions your employees may have about this process.


Sign up to our HR Pro subscription for access to some templates to help you get started:

  • Introducing home testing letter
  • Covid19 - home testing policy